EXPO2020: What did we learn and what could be done better?
As EXPO2020 is coming to the end, it is interesting to wrap up impressions and reflect on what we learned and what could be done better.
“Connecting minds, creating future”- the theme of Expo2020 Dubai, is funded on the conviction that bringing the globe together can accelerate the interchange of new perspectives and inspire action to produce real-world solutions to real-world concerns.
We saw over 192 countries responding to 3 topics: sustainability, mobility and opportunity.
In the other words, how can we mobilize our resources to respond to opportunities in creating a sustainable future?

Understanding sustainability
As one of the key Expo2020’s topics was sustainability, it is interesting to see how different countries responded to sustainability topic. It clearly shows that term “sustainability” is perceived differently. The term lies in the intersection of three areas, which are: Social, Environment and Economy. This brings complexity in finding a right balance and understanding, as not that simple. Many would associate it with nature, natural resources, emerging trends related to renewable solutions, clean energy, resource optimization, nature preservation, biodiversity, water, responsible farming, etc. Social component is often forgotten or probably more complex to address.
Anyhow, taking into account tipping points of planetary boundaries, it makes senses that many countries have decided to base their presentation on their natural treasure- including fresh water, oceans, forests and biodiversity; transition to clean energy in order to fight the climate change; and responsible farming, as seen in various cases.
Actionate SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
However, in order to respond to sustainability topic counties needed to go a step ahead in what they do to accelerate sustainable future. Very few countries incorporated the UN SDG content into their presentation, which is a leading framework that addresses the climate change risk and acts as a catalyst for all countries and policy makers in leading resilient plan towards the global response to warming of 1.5°C.
This global event has been known to be a place to introduce great innovations. This year, we could see a focus on hi-tech, clan-tech, AI tools reflected in engagement, audio and video solutions. But what was missing is utilization of these tools to serve creating green economy. Moreover, it’s very tempting to cross a line and end up in greenwashing sphere.

Innovate in order to scale-up
As a conclusion, a clear understanding about a term sustainability is missing, alignment with the global and local agenda goals is not there- where countries clearly assessed a base line and action plan towards improvements. Sustainability can be accelerated with a top-down approach. Solutions can be scaled in combination of bottom-up and top-bottom solutions- as governments endorse sustainable solutions providers and work in partnerships with private sector.

For a support in ideating and facilitating solutions, knowing where, how, and why to start implementing sustainable solutions, by fitting into the local and global agendas, contact us and find out more about our services!