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Cosmetic Products – Al Bashira Organic

Cosmetic Products – Al Bashira Organic


Product Description

Al Bashira


Al Bashira is a one-stop shop for pure organic argan oil and cactus seed oil with a range of organic skincare and haircare products.


Argan is brought to you by the essence and roots of the tree of life. That is how it has been known since decades for the Amazigh people! More than decades even. It managed to maintain its splendor and exterior beauty in spite of all the harsh natural causes, including frontal rainy days, gusty cold nights and merciless drought. It stood still and fought all the obstacles of earth, only to continue its beautiful journey with its branches and leafs held up high. Therefore, way back when the days were old, Argan was used as a medication to heal several illnesses and diseases. The Argan tree is one of the most important sources of nature for the whole world, and is given special attention and constant care by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) organization, because it is rare and is considered as a national treasure, as it grows only in southwestern Morocco! The fruits of Argan are gathered by the Moroccan women who cherish their land and nurture irrigation. As a result, they extract the highest standards and specifications to maintain the rich elements in Argan seed to conclude their hard work and entire cycle with the one and only organic Argan oil.

احضر لك من خلاصة ثمار شجرة الحياة، هكذا اطلق عليها سكان المغرب القدماء، عمرها اكثر من ٥٠ مليون سنة، حافظت على رونقها و جمالها رغم قساوة المناخ و عوامل الطبيعة، من شمس حارقة الى برد ليل قارس مرورا بجفاف  قاس، بقيت صامدة و متألقة لتنعم بأسرار الحياة على البشرية حتى استخدمت منذ عصور سابقة كدواء لشفاء العديد من الأمراض… تعتبر شجرة الأرغان من اهم مصادر الطبيعة للعالم بأسره و تحظى بعناية خاصة من منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية و العلم و الثقافة (اليونسكو) لكونهانادرة و لا تنمو الا بجنوب غرب المغرب. جمعت ثمارها بعناية من أيدي نساء عاشقات للأرض، و استخلصت على  أعلى المعايير و المواصفات للحفاظ على عن صره الغنية، لينعم هذا الزيت العريق علينا  بالصحة و يغذي الجمال و يبارك لنا الحياة.


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