Product Description
Peahead offers handmade bags & accessories using recycled and sustainable materials.
R E C Y C L E D //
We collect, process and fuse local plastic bags to create a quality and durable material for our couture works. Each piece is unique & contains up to 5 carrier bags.
S U S T A I N A B L E //
Cork is a wonder material! From the bark of an Oak, it is harvested without harming the tree and grows back. Eco-friendly, stain-resistant & lightweight. We employ cork leather to yield a soft, natural feel and aesthetic to our designs.
G R E E N //
We care about the amount of waste produced and we love this planet. While zero-waste remains a daily challenge, every little that each of us does can make a difference. By up-cycling materials, we aim to give everything from curtains to jeans a second chance – avoiding landfill – to be loved again.
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