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  • The retailer is basing the strategy on sustainability, introducing the reusable bags, paper bags, refilling stations (bulk shopping).
  • The products range available for refill are: oil, nuts, and grains.
  • Consumers can buy glass jars an bottles at charge or use the paper bags free of charge to buy the products
  • There is a loyalty program in place for refill services

To know more about bulk shopping click here


STORYTELLING- From the owner

Refill – For the clever consumer. By eliminating the need for unnecessary packaging we pass on the cost advantage to the consumer while preserving the Earth’s resources for the future. An ideal situation where people are able to meet their needs, live a better quality life, and consuming without wastage.

Mindful consumption – Buy as little or as much. We have eco friendly and biodegradable packaging but we strongly encourage you to help us in our Minimum Waste campaign by bringing your own shopping bags whenever you visit our store.


GREEN FOOTPRINT: Why do we value this listing? 

No Packaging Waste– 42% of Global Plastic production is used in the Food and Beverages production. All initiatives where we can avoid the food packaging, where is not needed, is needed.

Divert consumers from plastic bags consumption by offering the alternative solutions.





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