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MEXICAN FASHION! Mexican sustainable handmade clothes, shoes and accessories handmade by Mexican indigenous artisans. You can find us at HOLI SUPERMARKETS (Goshi Warehouses) and Amazon πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡²πŸ‡½


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More about MEXSIKA

Age: 42
Gender: Female
Describe yourself in 3 to 5 words:
Reason I joined sustainable fashion, all the colorsΒ  of the textiles are made natural in Mexico by indigenous artisans
I've lived in the UAE: 2017
Why do I love it here: Because is the number one in the world about everything
If I could get a magic stick, what would I improve: the customer service in many places
Where I like to do my groceries, and why: there are many places like ripe market because all are local brands
My favourite eco-brand: save the planet
My favourite eco-friendly restaurant/cafe: Eco Mind - Gastro Botanical Cafe & Concept Store
The best way to spend time with family and friends: outside in a carpet on a park drinking tea eating and tallking
How I spend my free time: traveling
The best recent discovery in the UAE: .
Do I recycle, and how: yes
What is the best way to learn about sustainability and green living: atending events
The best recent discovery in the UAE: .
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