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Period Underwear and swimming suits- Modibodi

Period Underwear and swimming suits- Modibodi

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With GreenFootprint Promo Code “GREENFOOTPRINT”!

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Delivery is available courier the next business day for Dubai, and 1-2 business days for the other emirates. Delivery is free in the UAE for orders AED 300 and over. For orders less than this, deliver is AED 25.



Product Description

Modibodi, Australia’s number 1 Period Underwear Brand is now available here in the UAE. Modibodi underwear and swimming suits looks and feels just like normal underwear and can be worn all day with no leaks. Made of organic, bamboo cotton and merino wool, Modibodi underwear is specifically designed for periods, discharge, light bladder leaks and weak pelvic floors. Reusable underwear you can wear instead of or as well as products you are currently using when you have your period.

Over the menstrual lifetime Modibodi underwear can bring savings and positive impacts to the environment. Assuming pads are approximately 1AED each (could be cheaper pads, but you’ll also find more expensive), one could spend up to 14,000 AED over menstruation lifetime. If these were to be replaced by 5 pairs of Modibodi (at an average price of 109AED each), and replace them ever 2 years, the saving would be almost 6,000AED over your menstruation lifetime. Not bad when also helping the environment, and choosing a far more comfortable and safer alternative for period protection!


1 review for Period Underwear and swimming suits- Modibodi

  • The first time I was a little bit hesitant to try period underwear, but after using them for a cycle there is no way I’m ever going back to disposable pads! Modi Bodi underwear felt very comfortable and I was able to go about my day without any worries!

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